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発表論文一覧 Paper List


Teruo Iwase, Satoshi Sugie, Hiroyasu Kurono, Masayuki Abe, Yasuaki Okada and Koichi Yoshihisa, internoise2018 proceedings 1933.pdf/ ASME DIGITAL COLLECTION/NCAD2018-6111 Paper No. NCAD2018-6111, pp. V001T08A002; 10 pages(2018)

Satoshi Sugie and Teruo Iwase, Proceedings of ICSV25 (Hiroshima,8-12 July 2018, 7 pages.


Invited papar "Observation of vibration velocity at many pats of wind turbine and relational analysis with propagated sound to surroundings"
Teruo Iwase, Hideo Uchid, Hiroyasu Kurono, Yasuaki Okada and Koichi YOSHIHISA , ASJ and JSA 5th Joint Meeting, 28 Nov.- 2 Dec. 2016, J. A.S. A. Vol 140, No.4 Pt. 2 of 2 Oct. 2016, Table of Contents on A5, P3383

Invited paper "Experiment study on radiation from wind turbines"
Yasuaki Okada, Yui Miyazaki, Koichi YOSHIHISA and Teruo Iwase, ASJ and JSA 5th Joint Meeting, 28 Nov.- 2 Dec. 2016, J.A.S.A. Vol 140, No.4 Pt. 2 of 2 Oct. 2016, Table of Contents on A5, P3383

"Control of resonance penetration phenomenon in double leaf structure for sound insulation by insertion of small Helmholtz resonator and porous material"
Teruo Iwase, Satoshi Sugie, Hiroyasu Kurono, Shinya Nishimura, Yasuaki Okada and Koichi Yoshihisa , internoise proceedings Flash Memory, pp. 3619-3630(2016)

"Study on empirical formula for the sound directivity around a wind turbine"
Yasuaki Okada, Tomoaki Uemura, Koichi Yoshihisa and Teruo Iwase , internoise proceedings Flash Memory, pp. 7821-7829(2016)


"Modeling and verification of perforated plate structure for high sound absorption at low frequency with extending parts behind holes into shallow air space"
Teruo Iwase, Satoshi Sugie, Masayuki Abe, Hiroyasu Kurono, Shinya Nishimura, Yasuaki Okada and Koichi Yoshihisa , internoise proceedings Flash Memory, 12P(2015)

"Horizontal directivity characteristics of noise emitted from different wind turbines "
Yasuaki Okada, Koichi Yoshihisa, Teruo Iwase, Kazuki Higashi and Naoto Nishimura , in15_197.pdf in internoise proceedings Flash Memory, 9P(2015)

"Observation of vibration velocity at many parts of wind turbine and relational analysis with propagated sound to surroundings "
Teruo Iwase, Hideo Uchida, Hiroyasu Kurono, Yasuaki Okada and Koichi Yoshihisa , in proceeding of WTN2015, 12p(2015)


"Improvement of sound insulation performance at low frequencies by several fibrous absorbers in lightweight double leaf partition"
Sugie, Satoshi Yoshimura, Junichi Iwase, Teruo ,p767.pdf in internoise2014 proceeding USB-Memory, 8 pages(2014)


"Binaural simulation of sound propagation from moving sound source using HRTF"
Teruo IWASE, Hiroyasu Kurono, Yasuaki Okada and Koichi Yoshihisa, 0678.pdf in internoise2013 proceeding DVD-Rom, 10 pages (2013)

"Experimental study on the radiation characteristics of noise generated from a single wind turbine"
Yasuaki Okada, Yoshihisa Koichi, Teruo Iwase, Kazuki Higashi and Naoto Nishimura 0395.pdf in internoise2013 proceeding DVD-Rom, 8 pages (2013)


"Shortening Helmholtz resonator by subsided neck and application to perforated plate structure for low frequency sound resonance"
Teruo IWASE, Keiko SHIRAHATA, Akiko IGARASHI, Satoshi Sugie, Yasuaki Okada and Koichi Yoshihisa, int_351_pdf in internoise2012 proceeding DVD-Rom, 12 pages (2012)


"Three dimensional observation of sound leakage from slide type window sash using particle velocity sensor"
Iwase Teruo, Nakajima Mayuko, Ishikawa Tomoo, Okada Yasuaki, Yoshihisa Koichi internoise2011(Osaka)


"Acoustical diagnosis of concrete crack depth based on its resonance"
Iwase Teruo, Horiguchi Yuuta, Yasuoka Hirohito, 657.pdf in Proceedings of ICA2010(Sydny), 8 pages (2010)

Teruo Iwase, Kenshi Suzuki, Tomoyuki Kobayashi, Koichi Yoshihisa and Yasuaki Okada 423.pdf in CR-ROM of internoise2010, 10 pages ( 2010), Invited Paper

“Optimization of structural factors for Helmholtz resonator to improve sound insulation of lightweight double leaf partition”
SUGIE Satoshi, YOSHIMURA Junichi and IWASE Teruo, Proceedings CD-ROM of inter-noise 2010, 10 pages , Invited Paper

“Effect of atmospheric absorption on aircraft noise propagation during takeoff and landing around airports in the various world regions"
Yasuaki Okada, Koichi Yoshihisa and Teruo Iwase, Proceedings CD-ROM of inter-noise 2010, 9 pages (2010)

“Numerical simulations of propagation of bogie noise in 3D field by Duhamel’s transformation using transient solutions calculated by 2D-FDTD method”
Masaaki Hiroe, Satoshi Ishikawa, Ryo Shiraga and Teruo Iwase, 10th International Workshop on Railway Noise (2010)


“Temporal variability of atmospheric absorption of sound and its effect on aircraft noise propagation around an airport during a year"
Yasuaki Okada, Koichi Yoshihisa and Teruo Iwase, Proceedings CD-ROM of internoise 2009, p.8

“Detailed observation of sound reflection and absorption characteristics of perforated plate and thin plate by using particle velocity sensor”
Teruo Iwase, Masayuki Abe, Koichi Yoshihisa and Yasuaki Okada in CR-ROM of internoise2009, 17p( 2009), Invited Paper

"Acoustical diagnoses of porous drainage pavements",
Teruo Iwase, Kaoru Kazama, Kenichi Ishikawa, and Koichi Yoshihisa, NOISE CONTROL ENGINEERING JOURNAL (NCEJ) , Vol.57, No.2, pp.112 - 120(2009)


“Study on measurements of acoustic properties of turf and typical surfaces and on characteristics of sound propagation above turf field”
Teruo Iwase, Koichi Yoshihisa and Yasuaki Okada, in CR-ROM of internoise2008, 17p( 2008), Invited Paper

“Effect of atmospheric absorption on aircraft noise propagation around airports in several world regions during a year”
Yasuaki Okada, Koichi Yoshihisa and Teruo Iwase, Proceedings CD-ROM of inter-noise 2008, p.8,Invited Paper


“On sound propagation in light weight double leaf wall with porous material”
Teruo IWASE, Satoshi SUGIE, Junichi YOSHIMURA and KOICHI YOSHIHISA", Proceedings CD-ROM of internoise2007, 10 pages, Invited Paper.


"Sound insulation performance of double leaf partition improved with various types of absorbing materials at low frequencies",
Satoshi SUGIE, Junichi YOSHIMURA, Teruo IWASE, CR-ROM of internoise2006, pp.1 - 9(2006)

“Effect of atmospheric absorption on aircraft noise propagation in various world regions during the year”
Yasuaki Okada, Koichi Yoshihisa and Teruo Iwase, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.120, No.5, p3335(2006), Invited Paper.


"The effect of atmospheric absorption on environmental noise propagation in an urban area",
K. Yoshihisa, Y. Okada, K. Tatsuda, T. Iwase, CR-ROM of internoise2005, pp.1 - 7(2005)

"Test Method for Sound Insulation Characteristics of Light-weight Double Leaf Wall by Using Small Sample",
Teruo IWASE, Masahiro MINOWA, Toru MARUYAMA, Kohich YOSHIHISA, CR-ROM of internoise2004, pp.1 - 8(2004)

"Development of a sound source database for environmental/architectural acoustics: Introduction of SMILE 2004-Sound Material in Living Environment 2004-",
K. Kawai, K.Fujimoto, T. Iwase, H. Yasuoka, T. Sakuma and Y. Hidaka,, CD-ROM of 18th ICA, Vol.pII, pp.1561 - 1564(2004)

"Road traffic noise prediction model ASJ RTN-Model 2003 proposed by the Acoustical Society of Japan - Part 2:Calculation model of sound emission of road vehicles",
Shunichi Kono, Yasuo Oshino, Teruo Iwase, Toshio Sone, Hideki Tachibana:, CD-ROM of 18-th ICA,, Vol.pIV, pp.2793 - 2796(2004)

"Temporal Fluctuation of Atmospheric Absorption of Sound and its Effect on Aircraft Noise Propagation during a year",
Koichi Yoshihisa, Kenji Tatsuta, Yasuaki Okada, Teruo Iwase, FORUM ACOUSTICUM SEVILLA 2002, pp.1 - 6(2002)